Our Journey

The Evolution of the Gaudi World Foundation

The Visionary Beginning

The inception of the Gaudi World Congress (GWC) was marked by the foresight of our President, Carlos Canals Roura. Identifying a critical gap in global understanding and appreciation of Antoni Gaudí’s work, he envisioned a platform that would unite Gaudí scholars and enthusiasts from all corners of the world. Our initial foray into international outreach was a resounding success, with an itinerant exhibition in Busan, South Korea, that set the stage for our future endeavors, celebrating Gaudí’s legacy through a global lens.

Laying the Foundations in Barcelona

In a landmark collaboration with the University of Barcelona, we hosted the inaugural Gaudi World Congress in the heart of Gaudí’s architectural playground. This historic event not only spotlighted the latest research in Gaudí’s work but also unveiled previously unknown aspects of his genius, marking the beginning of an annual tradition that would grow to have a profound impact on the architectural world.

Creating Immersive Experiences

Building on our foundational work, we partnered with the Museo Diocesano to establish the Gaudi Exhibition Center in Barcelona. This became a sanctuary for those looking to immerse themselves in the universe of Gaudí, offering a range of experiences that brought visitors closer to the master’s vision and methodologies.

Broadening Our Scope

The GWC ventured to Shanghai, addressing urban planning and sustainability through the prism of Gaudí’s insights, sparking discussions on innovative solutions for modern challenges. Later that year, Barcelona welcomed the international Gaudí community once again, fostering a collaborative environment for sharing advancements in Gaudí research.

Toward a New Direction

This period saw the birth of the Gaudi methodology, a comprehensive approach that emphasizes sustainable innovation and alternative education, culminating in the first Gaudi Design workshop at Stanford University’s School of Design.

Engaging Challenges and Collaborative Ventures

We introduced the Gaudi Challenges, focusing on sustainable and socially impactful projects in Madrid, Astorga, and San Francisco. These challenges, alongside the GWC events, facilitated meaningful dialogue and collaboration among Gaudí enthusiasts and professionals, expanding our influence and reinforcing our commitment to sustainability.

Connecting Corporates with Gaudí's Vision

This year was pivotal, as we embarked on consultation and certification projects that bridged the gap between Gaudí’s principles and the corporate world. Through partnerships with emerging entrepreneurs and established corporations, we fostered the integration of Gaudí-inspired innovation into contemporary business practices.

Navigating Global Challenges

Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, we pivoted our focus towards enhancing our educational initiatives and adapting our exhibitions for mobility and accessibility.

Embarking on a New Chapter

A significant endorsement from an investment firm marked the beginning of a new era, energizing our mission with fresh initiatives like the Gaudi Digital Hub and the Gaudi Institute of Design and Innovation. This year also saw the successful hosting of the 7th Gaudi World Congress in Seoul, marking our strategic expansion into Korea with our new partner, Moon Labs.

Unveiling the Gaudi World Foundation

Our transformation into the Gaudi World Foundation heralds a future filled with promise. The upcoming NFT Korea Festival 2024, which we are co-organizing, is set to showcase our newly conceived image, initiatives, and a Gaudi-inspired metaverse, symbolizing our continuous evolution and commitment to innovation inspired by Gaudí’s unparalleled legacy.

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