The Origination Method

The Origination Method is a distinctive learning and innovation process rooted in the design and innovation principles of the celebrated architect Antoni Gaudí.

A Fusion of Legacy and Innovation

Since its inception in 2017, this method has been developed, refined, and validated by a global network of experts and institutions. It is founded on four pillars central to Gaudí's work: Origin, Design Innovation, Humanism, and Sustainability.

International Certification

Proudly certified by the G Inspired Certification, the Gaudí Institute of Design and Innovation, and the Gaudí World Foundation, our methodology has garnered validation from leading companies, institutions, and experts across the USA, South Korea, Spain, and beyond.

We already inspired...

Esteemed organizations such as Microsoft, Renfe, Baidu, The Moonlabs, Alpha Telefonica, Google Campus, Colleman College, and Stanford Design School have leveraged our methodology to create products and services that are impactful and sustainable.

A Legacy of Innovation

Why Gaudí?

Antoni Gaudí, the visionary behind Barcelona’s iconic landmarks like the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, epitomizes innovation. His philosophy, deeply intertwined with nature, spirituality, and an unwavering dedication to originality, continues to inspire creativity worldwide.

our methodology

What is “Origination”?

Rooted in “origination,” this approach transforms creativity into a structured journey, challenging the notion that innovation is mere chance. It’s inspired by Gaudí’s principle: “Originality is going back to the origins.” Our methodology, echoing this belief, equips users with the means to explore and innovate from the ground up, aiming to unlock exceptional innovation and design, in tribute to Gaudí’s enduring influence.

The Essence of Origination Thinking

Origination Thinking transcends traditional design methodologies. Inspired by Gaudí’s principles, it advocates for a deep connection with nature, human experience, and foundational design principles, encouraging a design ethos that is original, sustainable, and deeply human-centric.

Origination Methodology Tools

Natural Thinking

This tool leverages Gaudí’s appreciation for nature, encouraging the integration of natural patterns into design. It focuses on sustainability and functionality, guiding creators to develop solutions that are both innovative and in harmony with the natural world.

Infinity Canvas

Offers a structured 12-step process to innovation, ensuring a comprehensive approach to design. It serves as a complete design toolbox, offering insights into the creative processes of a genius.

Architecture of Design

Draws parallels between architectural principles and design, emphasizing the core tenets of resistance, functionality, and beauty. This tool teaches how to create timeless solutions, inspired by Gaudí’s work, that are both stable and adaptable.

Why Choose Origination Thinking?

Our methodology aims to imbue creators with Gaudí’s ethos, enhancing their ability to think creatively and critically, equipped with practical tools for innovation. We strive to offer an immersive learning experience that challenges conventional thinking and promotes a blend of historical wisdom with contemporary application.

Distinctive Features

History Meets Modernity

Merging Gaudí's timeless insights with modern innovation

Expert Facilitation

Specialized guidance from experts versed in Gaudí's architectural principles.

Practical Application

Skills that are directly applicable to contemporary design challenges.

Certified Methodology

Access to a globally recognized and certified methodology.

Gaudí’s principles

The ability to leverage Gaudí's principles for sustainability and innovation in their projects.

Practical tools

A set of practical tools for innovation, enhancing their creative and critical thinking skills.

The Transformative Power of Gaudí's Method

The essence and transformative potential of our method are best illustrated through the life, work, and philosophy of Antoni Gaudí. Our conviction in the efficacy of this method is reinforced by its historical validation—Gaudí’s architectural marvels in Barcelona, admired by millions annually, are a testament to its enduring impact. 

The Visionary Sagrada Familia

Gaudí, with limited initial experience but profound vision, dedicated years to develop his innovative techniques, notably the “polifunicular model.” His strategic construction approach for the Sagrada Familia ensured that his vision would inspire future generations, demonstrating his creative genius. 

Colonia Güell's Bench

Reflecting Gaudí’s commitment to sustainability and purposeful design, the bench combines recycled materials, ergonomic design, and spiritual functionality, showcasing his respect for the environment and user experience. 

Storytelling Through Architecture

Gaudí’s buildings are narrative masterpieces, from their detailed facades to symbolic elements, engaging visitors in his imaginative world and demonstrating his mastery in integrating theme, design, and detail. 

A Legacy of Sustainability

Rooted in a profound respect for nature, Gaudí’s designs incorporate sustainable practices and materials, like the innovative use of broken mosaic and water collection systems. His work exemplifies the harmony between innovation and the environment, marking a significant contribution to sustainable design. 


Learn the Origination Method

Gaudí Institute of Design and Innovation

Dive into our Learning Lab educational programs and experiences to discover more about integrating Gaudí's innovative principles into your work.

Gaudí Inspired Consultancy​

Our consultancy facilitates the design process, collaborating with your team to create products and services inspired by Gaudí's unparalleled legacy.

Illustrating Methodology in Practice: The Xiaomi Mi 9 Case

A prime example of our methodology’s application in the modern world is the Xiaomi Mi 9 smartphone, the first phone inspired by Antoni Gaudí. This collaboration represents a fusion of technology with Gaudí’s visionary design principles, showcasing how traditional aesthetics can inform and enhance contemporary innovation.

Innovation Meets Heritage

The Xiaomi Mi 9’s design pays homage to Gaudí’s unique style, integrating elements of his architectural genius into the phone’s aesthetic and functionality. This partnership with The Gaudí Academia underscores our commitment to blending artistic heritage with cutting-edge technology.

A Gaudí-Inspired Creation

Through this project, Xiaomi demonstrates the practical application of our methodology, translating Gaudí’s principles of originality, sustainability, and human-centric design into a tangible product. The phone’s design reflects Gaudí’s influence, from its sleek curves reminiscent of his fluid architectural lines to its use of color and light, capturing the essence of Gaudí’s work.

Sustainable Innovation

Embracing Gaudí’s dedication to nature, the Xiaomi Mi 9 incorporates eco-friendly materials and sustainable manufacturing processes, mirroring our methodology’s emphasis on environmental responsibility.

This collaboration not only highlights the adaptability of our methodology to various industries but also marks a significant step towards integrating timeless design principles into modern consumer products. The Xiaomi Mi 9 serves as a testament to the enduring relevance of Gaudí’s vision, proving that innovation can be both beautiful and sustainable, inspired by the past yet distinctly forward-looking.

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